Version 1.2 (June 2013)
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Package utils

Package of classes that perform utility functions in the process of running an iDynoMiCS Simulation. More...


class  Chart
 Class used to represent simulation output on a graph. Assumed deprecated as never called in iDynoMiCS 1.2. More...
class  Complex
 Class for storing complex numbers as two doubles representing real and imaginary part, respectively. More...
class  ComplexArray
 Class for storing an 1- to 3-dimensional array of complex numbers as an 1D array of alternating real and imaginary parts in double precision. More...
class  ExtraMath
 Abstract class with some extra useful math functions. More...
class  FftOperations
 Tool for performing fast fourier transform (FFT) on grids of Complex and real numbers. More...
class  GridOperations
 Collection of static methods to deal with spatial grids that are used in the MicroCoSm model. More...
class  InitialisationErrorLog
 Creates and updates a simulation initialisation error log file for the initialising simulation. More...
class  Jfilter
 Used in simulation initialisation to ensure onky XML files are read as protocol files and previous results files are excluded. More...
class  LogFile
 Creates and updates a log file for the running simulation. More...
class  MatrixOperations
 Implements static utility functions for used in multigrid method. More...
class  MTRandom
 An implementation of the original java mersenne twister class by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura. More...
class  ResultFile
 Class used to create auto-zipping result files. At each iteration, the file is added to an archive. More...
class  UnitConverter
 Static class used to convert units (mass, length, time) More...
class  VectorizedArray
 Creates a 2D or 3D Vectorized array of a set size, and provides utilities to set and get values from this array. More...
class  XMLParser
 Class providing methods of parsing the XML simulation protocol file. More...
class  ZipArchive
 Class to create and update zip archives that contain simulation result files. More...

Detailed Description

Package of classes that perform utility functions in the process of running an iDynoMiCS Simulation.

Package of classes that perform utility functions in the process of running an iDynoMiCS Simulation. This package is part of iDynoMiCS v1.2, governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abides by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute iDynoMiCS under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "".