Dr J Turnbull : Biographical Sketch

MRC Senior Research Fellow / Reader in Biochemistry

Primary & Secondary education in Sydney & Brisbane in Australia (1965-1975), followed by a year in Madrid, Spain (1976) and then completion of A levels in West Yorkshire (1977-1979).

1980-1983 University of Wales BSc (Hons) Biochemistry
1985-1990 University of Manchester PhD (Heparan Sulphate structural analysis)

Previous employment and experience:
ICI Central Tox. Lab Biochem. Mech. Pre-uni. Res. Assistant 1979-1980
University of Wales Biochemistry Nuffield Res. Assistant 1982
Christie Hospital (Manchester) Clin. Research Basic Grade Biochemist 1983-1988
University of Iowa Medicinal Chemistry Visiting Res. Scientist 1988
Christie Hospital (Manchester) Clin. Research Senior Grade Biochemist 1988-1990
Manchester University Medical Oncology Postdoctoral Res. Associate 1990-1993
University of Adelaide Chemical Pathology Visiting Research Fellow 1994
University of Manchester Medical Oncology Research Fellow 1994-1996
University of Birmingham (Biosciences) MRC Senior Research Fellow 1996- present
University of Birmingham (Biosciences) Reader 2000- present

1991 International Travel Fellowship Royal Society/ Australian Academy of Science
1994 International Travel Fellowship Royal Society/ Australian Academy of Science
1996 Senior Research Fellowship Medical Research Council (MRC)
1998 Member, MRC Advisory Board
1998 Proposer & Organiser, Human Frontier Science Program Workshop VI "Proteoglycans in Development"

Professional experience and contributions to heparan sulphate research:
The general area of my research interests is the glycobiology of complex carbohydrates, in particular the role of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in cell-cell/cell-matrix interactions and growth factor signalling. The major focus of my current research is investigation of the structure and function of the cell surface and matrix heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs), in particular in the nervous system. I currently have over 16 years research experience (10 years postdoctoral) in a variety of different environments. My research has resulted in a number of important contributions to the field of proteoglycan research and include:

· development of novel approaches for analysing HS structure, including the first direct sequencing method
· studies on the complexity and cell-type specificity of HS structure
· demonstration of structural order in HS polysaccharides and proposal of a prototypic model for HS structure.
· showing that alterations in fine structure of HS on syndecan-1 regulate cell behaviour
· isolation and structural characterisation of specific sugar sequences in HS which bind to bFGF with high affinity
· demonstrating that specific HS saccharides act as ligand and receptor specific regulators of FGF activity

Outside positions of responsibility:
MRC Advisory Panel (since 1998)
Editorial Advisor: Biochemical Journal (since 1995)
Committee member: Biochemical Society (Glycobiology Group)
Journal Referee: for numerous biochemistry and cell biology journals

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