Version 1.2 (June 2013)
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Package povray

Package of classes used to create output files that can be processed using POV-Ray software. More...


class  Background
 Specifies the background that will be used in the POV-Ray images. More...
class  Biofilm3D
 Creates a union with a box (the biofilm carrier) and spheres (the bacteria), creating a 3D scene for the PovRay rendering engine. More...
class  Box
 Class used to set the properties of the box used in POV-Ray output. More...
class  Camera
 Creates the 'camera' settings required to produce POV-Ray output. More...
class  ColorMaps
 Class containing methods to adjust POV-Ray display colours if necessary. More...
class  LightSource
 Class used to specify the light source information for POV-Ray images. More...
class  ParticleWithCapsule
 Used by Povray3DScene to create a capsule object in a format that can be displayed graphically in POV-Ray output. More...
class  Povray3DScene
 Create a POV-Ray 3D scene object for use in visualising 3D Biofilms (with class Biofilm3D) More...
class  PovRayWriter
 Class that writes POV-Ray files that can be used to visualise simulation results. More...
class  VectorProperty
 Class used by the majority of POV-Ray scripts to represent coordinates and colours as vector properties for use in POV-Ray. More...

Detailed Description

Package of classes used to create output files that can be processed using POV-Ray software.

Package of classes used to create output files that can be processed using POV-Ray software. This package is part of iDynoMiCS v1.2, governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abides by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute iDynoMiCS under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "".