Version 1.2 (June 2013)
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simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS Class Reference

Creates an object of the Particulate EPS species. More...

Inheritance diagram for simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS:
simulator.agent.LocatedAgent simulator.agent.ActiveAgent simulator.agent.SpecialisedAgent simulator.agent.HasReaction simulator.agent.Agent simulator.agent.HasSpecies

Public Member Functions

 ParticulateEPS ()
 Default constructor, only called to create the progenitor of this species. More...
Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Creates a clone of this ParticulateEPS agent. More...
void initFromProtocolFile (Simulator aSimulator, XMLParser aSpeciesRoot)
 Initialises the object by reading the relevant species information from the simulation XML protocol file. More...
void initFromResultFile (Simulator aSim, String[] singleAgentData)
 Create a Particulate EPS agent using information in a previous state or initialisation file. More...
void init ()
 Initialise an agent object, setting its generation and genealogy and calculating the agent size. More...
ParticulateEPS sendNewAgent () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Called by ParticulateEps.createAgent to obtain another instance of the same species (totally independent) More...
void createNewAgent (ContinuousVector position)
boolean createByExcretion (Bacterium mother, double ratio)
 Creates a new Particulate EPS agent when a capsuled agent excretes that capsule. More...
boolean createInertByExcretion (Bacterium mother, double ratio)
 Creates a new inert particle agent when a capsuled agent excretes that capsule. More...
boolean willDie ()
 Determines if this agent has reached either the radius size limit at which it will die, or a state of zero mass. More...
void mutatePop ()
 Mutate any inherited parameters for this particular agent. More...
void internalStep ()
 Called at each time step of the simulation to compute mass growth and update radius, mass, and volume. More...
boolean willDivide ()
 Determines if this agent has reached the radius size limit at which it will divide. More...
boolean willTransfer ()
 Determines if the agent can transfer biomass to a neighbour upon cell death. More...
void die (boolean isStarving)
 Tests if the agent has to die and removes it from any container. More...
void updateVolume ()
 Update the volume of this agent by examining the particle density. More...
String sendHeader ()
 Used in creation of results files - specifies the header of the columns of output information for this agent. More...
String writeOutput ()
 Used in creation of results files - creates an output string of information generated on this particular agent. More...
ParticulateEPSParam getSpeciesParam ()
 Return the set of parameters that is associated with the object of this species. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from simulator.agent.LocatedAgent
 LocatedAgent ()
 Constructor used to generate progenitor and initialise an object to store relevant parameters. More...
Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Creates a daughter Located Agent by cloning this agent and parameter objects. More...
void createNewAgent (ContinuousVector position)
 Create a new agent in a specified position. More...
void registerBirth ()
 Registers a created agent into a respective container. Each agent must be referenced by one such container. More...
void initFromProtocolFile (Simulator aSim, XMLParser xmlMarkUp)
 Creates an agent of the specified species and notes the grid in which this is assigned. More...
void initFromResultFile (Simulator aSim, String[] singleAgentData)
 Create an agent using information in a previous state or initialisation file. More...
void updateSize ()
void divide ()
 Captures cell division by making a clone of this agent using the makeKid method. More...
boolean willDivide ()
 Determines whether or not a cell has reached the radius where cell division can be triggered. More...
boolean willDie ()
 Determines whether or not a cell has reached the radius where cell death can be triggered. More...
void die (boolean isStarving)
 Kills an agent. Called by detachment and starving test. More...
void makeKid () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 With it determined that cell division will occur, create a new agent from the existing one. More...
void divideCompounds (LocatedAgent baby, double babyMassFrac)
 On agent division, divides the mass between the old and new agent, at a specified fraction. More...
void transferCompounds (LocatedAgent baby, double splitRatio)
 On agent division, transfers EPS between the old and new agent, at a specified ratio. More...
void mutatePop ()
 Mutate any inherited parameters for a population of agents. More...
void setDivisionDirection (double distance)
 Set the movement vector that states where to put a newly-created particle. More...
double interact (boolean MUTUAL, boolean shoveOnly, boolean seq, double gain)
 Models a mechanical interaction between two located agents. Implemented by extending classes (LocatedAgent) More...
boolean addPushMovement (LocatedAgent aNeighbour, boolean isMutual, double gain)
 Mutual shoving : The movement by shoving of an agent is calculated based on the cell overlap and added to the agents movement vector. More...
boolean addSpringMovement (LocatedAgent aNeighbor, boolean isMutual, double gain)
 Pulling : The movement of agents by a shrinking biofilm. Move calculated and added to the agents movement vector. More...
double computeDifferenceVector (ContinuousVector me, ContinuousVector him)
 Computes the shortest distance between this agent and another, stored as ContinuousVectors. This may be around the cyclic boundary. More...
void getPotentialShovers (double radius)
 Find neighbouring agents in a range around you. More...
LocatedAgent pickNeighbor ()
 Pick a random neighbour from the _myNeigbors collection. More...
void findCloseSiblings (int indexSpecies)
 Find a sibling of this agent. More...
double move ()
 With the agent move calculated, apply this movement, taking care to respect boundary conditions. More...
void checkBoundaries ()
 Used by the move method to determine if an agents move crosses any of the domain's boundaries. More...
void mutateAgent ()
 Mutate inherited agent parameters after agent division. More...
void fitMassOnGrid (SpatialGrid aSpG, int catalystIndex)
 Add the reacting concentration of an agent to the received grid. More...
void fitMassOnGrid (SpatialGrid aSpG)
 Add the total concentration of an agent on received grid. More...
void fitVolRateOnGrid (SpatialGrid aSpG)
 Add the total volume rate of an agent on received grid. More...
void fitReacRateOnGrid (SpatialGrid aRateGrid, int reactionIndex)
 Add the reaction/growth rate of an agent on received grid, for a specified reaction. More...
String sendHeader ()
 Used in creation of results files - specifies the header of the columns of output information for this agent. More...
String writeOutput ()
 Used in creation of results files - creates an output string of information generated on this particular agent. More...
void updateVolume ()
 Compute the volume on the basis of the mass and density of different compounds defined in the cell. More...
void updateRadius ()
AllBC updateAttachment ()
 Update the attachment, determining if an agent location crosses any boundaries. More...
void addMovement (ContinuousVector aMove)
 Add movement to the ContinuousVector storing the agents move. More...
LocatedParam getSpeciesParam ()
 Return the set of parameters associated with this agent (LocatedParam object) More...
double getVolume (boolean withCapsule)
 Return the volume of this agent, with or without the capsule. More...
double getRadius (boolean withCapsule)
 Return the radius of this agent, with or without the capsule. More...
double getMass (boolean withCapsule)
 Return the mass of this agent, with or without the capsule. More...
double getMaximumRadius ()
boolean hasEPS ()
 Determine whether this cell has any EPS. More...
boolean hasInert ()
 Determine whether this agent contains any inert particles. More...
double getShoveFactor ()
 Return the shove factor to be used in shoving for this species of agent. More...
double getShoveRadius ()
 Return the shove radius to be used in shoving for this species of agent. More...
double getInteractDistance ()
 Return the shoving interaction distance to be used in shoving for this species of agent. More...
double getInteractDistance (LocatedAgent baby)
 Return the shoving interaction distance to be used in shoving against a specified agent. More...
double getBabyMassFrac ()
 Return the fraction of mass that is transferred to the new agent on cell division. More...
double getDivRadius ()
 Return the agent radius at which cell division is triggered. More...
double getDeathRadius ()
 Return the agent radius at which cell death is triggered. More...
boolean isMoving ()
 Determine if an agent has a move to perform. More...
boolean isAttached ()
 Determine if an agent is attached to a surface. More...
double getActiveFrac ()
 Return the active fraction of this agent. More...
Color getColor ()
 Return the colour assigned to this agent in POV-Ray output. More...
Color getColorCapsule ()
 Return the colour assigned to any capsules contained in this agent in POV-Ray output. More...
ContinuousVector getLocation ()
 Return the location of this agent. More...
double getDistance (LocatedAgent aLoc)
 Return the distance between two agents. More...
void setLocation (ContinuousVector cc)
 Set the location of this agent to the supplied continuous vector. More...
ContinuousVector getMovement ()
 Return the continuous vector that states this agents move. More...
int getGridIndex ()
 Return the index of the grid on which this agent is placed. More...
LocatedGroup getGridElement ()
 Return the LocatedGroup of agents that are present in the location where this agent is placed. More...
void setGridIndex (int aGridIndex)
 Move this agent to another grid index. More...
Domain getDomain ()
 Return the domain where this agent is contained. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from simulator.agent.ActiveAgent
 ActiveAgent ()
 Creates an ActiveAgent object and initialises the object in which associated parameters are stored. More...
void initFromProtocolFile (Simulator aSim, XMLParser xmlMarkUp)
 Creates an agent of the specified species and notes the grid in which this is assigned. More...
void initFromResultFile (Simulator aSim, String[] singleAgentData)
 Create an agent using information in a previous state or initialisation file. More...
void mutatePop ()
 Mutate any inherited parameters for a population of agents. More...
void createNewAgent ()
 Create a new agent with mutated parameters based on species default values. Agent is not located. More...
Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Clones this agent object, creating a new progeny of this agent. Ensures new clone inherits same parameters as parents. More...
void mutateAgent ()
 Mutate any inherited parameters for this particular agent. More...
void die (boolean isStarving)
 Notifies the simulation that this agent has become too small and is then counted as dead. More...
void updateSize ()
 Update size of agent to take growth into account. More...
void updateMass ()
 Update mass of agent, summing the particle mass. More...
void addReaction (Reaction aReaction, boolean useDefaultParam)
 Add the reaction to the list of known reactions. More...
void addActiveReaction (Reaction aReaction, boolean useDefaultParam)
 Adds an active reaction to the list of known reactions and switches the reaction on. More...
void removeReaction (Reaction aPathway)
 Remove a reaction from the list of known reactions. More...
void switchOffreaction (Reaction aPathway)
 Switches off a reaction by removing it from the active reaction array. More...
void switchOnReaction (Reaction aReaction)
 Switches on a reaction by adding it to the active reaction array. More...
void registerOnAllActiveReaction ()
 Register the agent on each guild of its activated pathways. Called by makeKid. More...
void unregisterFromAllActiveReactions ()
 Called by the die method, to unregister the agent from all active reactions. More...
void fitMassOnGrid (SpatialGrid aSpG, int catalystIndex)
 Add the reacting concentration of an agent to the received grid. More...
void fitReacRateOnGrid (SpatialGrid aRateGrid, int reactionIndex)
 Add the reaction/growth rate of an agent on received grid, for a specified reaction. More...
void fitMassOnGrid (SpatialGrid aSpG)
 Add the total concentration of an agent on received grid. More...
String sendHeader ()
 Used in creation of results files - specifies the header of the columns of output information for this agent. More...
String writeOutput ()
 Used in creation of results files - creates an output string of information generated on this particular agent. More...
double getTotalMass ()
 Return total mass of this agent. More...
double getParticleMass (int particleIndex)
 Return particle mass of this agent. More...
double getNetGrowth ()
 Return net growth rate of this agent. More...
double getVolGrowth ()
 Return volume growth rate of this agent. More...
void setNetGrowth (double value)
 Set net growth rate of this agent. More...
double[] getSoluteYield (int indexReaction)
 Return solute yield for a particular reaction. More...
double[] getReactionKinetic (int indexReaction)
 Return the reaction kinetic parameters for a particular reaction. More...
ActiveParam getSpeciesParam ()
 Return the parameters associated with this agent (speciesParam) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from simulator.agent.SpecialisedAgent
 SpecialisedAgent ()
 Creates a SpecialisedAgent object and initialises the object in which associated parameters are stored. More...
void initFromProtocolFile (Simulator aSim, XMLParser aSpeciesRoot)
 Creates an agent of the specified species and notes the grid in which this is assigned. More...
Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Clones this agent object, creating a new progeny of this agent. Ensures new clone inherits same parameters as parents. More...
void mutateAgent ()
 Mutate any inherited parameters for this particular agent. More...
void mutatePop ()
 Mutate any inherited parameters for a population of agents. More...
void registerBirth ()
 Registers a created agent into a respective container. Each agent must be referenced by one such container. More...
void die (boolean isStarving)
 Notifies the simulation that this agent has become too small and is then counted as dead. More...
double move ()
 Used in the calculation of delta move in Agent Container class. Will investigate further why this class returns 0. More...
void setSpeciesParam (SpeciesParam aSpeciesParam)
 Set the species parameters to a specified Species Parameter object. More...
SpeciesParam getSpeciesParam ()
Species getSpecies ()
 Returns the species object that is represented by this agent. More...
void setSpecies (Species aSpecies)
 Set the progenitor Specialised agent to a specified species. More...
String getName ()
 Return the name of the species represented by this agent. More...
boolean willDetach ()
 Returns a boolean noting whether this agent is detached and may be removed in sloughing. Implemented by extending classes. More...
int getGridIndex ()
 Returns the integer grid index where this agent resides. Implemented by extending classes. More...
double interact (boolean MUTUAL, boolean pull, boolean seq, double gain)
 Models a mechanical interaction between two located agents. Implemented by extending classes (LocatedAgent) More...
boolean isMoving ()
 Returns a boolean noting whether this agent is moving due to growth and sloughing. Implemented by extending classes. More...
void writePOVColorDefinition (FileWriter fr) throws IOException
 Used in POV-Ray output to display this species - writes a colour definition to the passed-in file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from simulator.agent.Agent
 Agent ()
 Initialise an agent object, setting its time of creation and thus the time it was last stepped. More...
void initFromProtocolFile (Simulator aSimulator, XMLParser aSpeciesRoot)
 Initialise the agent from the protocol file. Implemented by classes that extend this class. More...
void initFromResultFile (Simulator aSim, String[] singleAgentData)
 Create an agent using information in a previous state or initialisation file. More...
void mutateAgent ()
 Mutates agent parameters. Implemented by classes that extend this class. More...
void makeKid () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Creates a new agent from an existing one, and registers this new agent in the simulation. More...
Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException
 Clones this agent object, creating a new progeny of this agent. More...
void step ()
 Perform the next timestep of the simulation for this agent. More...
String sendHeader ()
 Used in creation of results files - specifies the header of the columns of output information for this agent. More...
String writeOutput ()
 Used in creation of results files - creates an output string of information generated on this particular agent. More...
String sendName ()
 Returns a string containing the family name and genealogy of this agent. More...
void giveName ()
 Set the family for this agent, based on the next family. More...

Protected Member Functions

void transferBiomass ()
 Method to transfer biomass to a neighbour should the agent become too small. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from simulator.agent.LocatedAgent
double detPriority = 0
double _timeSinceLastDivisionCheck = Double.MAX_VALUE
double _distProb = 0
double _distCumProb = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from simulator.agent.LocatedAgent
double _radius
double _totalRadius
double _myDivRadius
double _myDeathRadius
double _volume
double _totalVolume
ContinuousVector _location = new ContinuousVector()
ContinuousVector _movement = new ContinuousVector()
ContinuousVector _divisionDirection = new ContinuousVector()
LinkedList< LocatedAgent_myNeighbors = new LinkedList<LocatedAgent>()
int _agentGridIndex
boolean _isAttached = false
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from simulator.agent.LocatedAgent
static ContinuousVector _diff = new ContinuousVector()
static ContinuousVector _newLoc = new ContinuousVector()

Detailed Description

Creates an object of the Particulate EPS species.

Creates an object of the Particulate EPS species. This represents generic extracellular polymers and contains only the 'capsule' type. This species often includes a hydrolysis reaction, which converts COD bound in EPS into soluble COD. Note that if a bacterium species includes a capsule of this species of ParticulateEPS, the EPS species MUST be defined first in the protocol file in order to avoid an error; because of this the example protocol files included in iDynoMiCS list ParticulateEPS as the first defined species.

Laurent Lardon (, INRA, France

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.ParticulateEPS ( )

Default constructor, only called to create the progenitor of this species.

Default constructor, only called to create the progenitor of this species

Member Function Documentation

Object simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.clone ( ) throws CloneNotSupportedException

Creates a clone of this ParticulateEPS agent.

Creates a clone of this ParticulateEPS agent

CloneNotSupportedExceptionException thrown if the agent is a type that cannot be cloned
boolean simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.createByExcretion ( Bacterium  mother,
double  ratio 

Creates a new Particulate EPS agent when a capsuled agent excretes that capsule.

Creates a new Particulate EPS agent when a capsuled agent excretes that capsule. The birth of this agent is registered in the relevant simulation grids

motherBacterium object that is excreting an EPS capsule
ratioRatio of biomass that is being transferred to the capsule
boolean simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.createInertByExcretion ( Bacterium  mother,
double  ratio 

Creates a new inert particle agent when a capsuled agent excretes that capsule.

Creates a new inert particle agent when a capsuled agent excretes that capsule. The birth of this agent is registered in the relevant simulation grids

motherBacterium object that is excreting an EPS capsule
ratioRatio of biomass that is being transferred to the capsule
void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.createNewAgent ( ContinuousVector  position)

Create a new Particulate EPS agent (who a priori is registered in at least one container)

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.die ( boolean  isStarving)

Tests if the agent has to die and removes it from any container.

Tests if the agent has to die and removes it from any container

isStarvingBoolean noting whether the agent currently has access to any resources
ParticulateEPSParam simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.getSpeciesParam ( )

Return the set of parameters that is associated with the object of this species.

Return the set of parameters that is associated with the object of this species

Object of ParticulateParam that stores the parameters associated with this species

Implements simulator.agent.HasSpecies.

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.init ( )

Initialise an agent object, setting its generation and genealogy and calculating the agent size.

Initialise an agent object, setting its generation and genealogy and calculating the agent size

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.initFromProtocolFile ( Simulator  aSimulator,
XMLParser  aSpeciesRoot 

Initialises the object by reading the relevant species information from the simulation XML protocol file.

Initialises the object by reading the relevant species information from the simulation XML protocol file

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.initFromResultFile ( Simulator  aSim,
String[]  singleAgentData 

Create a Particulate EPS agent using information in a previous state or initialisation file.

Create a Particulate EPS agent using information in a previous state or initialisation file

aSimThe simulation object used to simulate the conditions specified in the protocol file
singleAgentDataData from the result or initialisation file that is used to recreate this agent
void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.internalStep ( )

Called at each time step of the simulation to compute mass growth and update radius, mass, and volume.

Called at each time step of the simulation to compute mass growth and update radius, mass, and volume. Also determines whether the agent has reached the size at which it must divide, and monitors agent death

Reimplemented from simulator.agent.LocatedAgent.

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.mutatePop ( )

Mutate any inherited parameters for this particular agent.

Mutate any inherited parameters for this particular agent. KA June 2013 - not sure this action is implemented

Implements simulator.agent.HasSpecies.

String simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.sendHeader ( )

Used in creation of results files - specifies the header of the columns of output information for this agent.

Used in creation of results files - specifies the header of the columns of output information for this agent

String specifying the header of each column of results associated with this agent

Implements simulator.agent.HasSpecies.

ParticulateEPS simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.sendNewAgent ( ) throws CloneNotSupportedException

Called by ParticulateEps.createAgent to obtain another instance of the same species (totally independent)

Called by ParticulateEps.createAgent to obtain another instance of the same species (totally independent). The returned agent is NOT registered

CloneNotSupportedExceptionThrown if attempting to clone an agent type that does not implement Cloneable
New instance of the ParticulateEPS species

Implements simulator.agent.SpecialisedAgent.

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.transferBiomass ( )

Method to transfer biomass to a neighbour should the agent become too small.

Method to transfer biomass to a neighbour should the agent become too small

void simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.updateVolume ( )

Update the volume of this agent by examining the particle density.

Update the volume of this agent by examining the particle density

boolean simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.willDie ( )

Determines if this agent has reached either the radius size limit at which it will die, or a state of zero mass.

Determines if this agent has reached either the radius size limit at which it will die, or a state of zero mass

Boolean value noting whether the cell will die (true) or not (false)
boolean simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.willDivide ( )

Determines if this agent has reached the radius size limit at which it will divide.

Determines if this agent has reached the radius size limit at which it will divide

Boolean value noting whether the cell will divide (true) or not (false)
boolean simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.willTransfer ( )

Determines if the agent can transfer biomass to a neighbour upon cell death.

Determines if the agent can transfer biomass to a neighbour upon cell death

Boolean noting whether a biomass transfer is possible
String simulator.agent.zoo.ParticulateEPS.writeOutput ( )

Used in creation of results files - creates an output string of information generated on this particular agent.

Used in creation of results files - creates an output string of information generated on this particular agent

String containing results associated with this agent

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: